Conducted by
Brent S. Rushall, Ph.D., R.Psy.
Professor Emeritus of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences
San Diego State University
Attached are the descriptions of applied sport psychology and coaching workshops which are specifically designed for sport practitioners, coaches, and athletes. Most workshops can be presented to audiences representing many sports or specific sport groups. The intent of the workshops is to produce behavior and knowledge changes in participants so they will proceed with their sporting involvements in a more effective manner.
The offerings described can be presented as individual meetings or can be combined to produce intense and in-depth developments of the topics associated with applied sport psychology and coaching. Week-end packages of these topics are particularly effective.
Professor Rushall can be contacted by email at or by telephone at 619-469-1537.

List of Workshops
- The Psychological Preparation for Serious Competition - 8 hours.
- Competition Preparation for Elite Athletes - 20 hours.
- On-site Intervention Techniques for Athlete Preparations - 5 hours.
- Psychological Measurement Tools for Coaches - 4 hours.
- Systems Design Factors Underlying Efficient Sport Club Organization and Structure - 5 hours.
- What to Expect from Coaches - 4 hours.
- Think and Act Like a Champion - 3 hours.
- The Psychology of Successful Competing - 5 hours.
- The Psychological Content of Successful Competition Strategies - 3 hours.
- How to Motivate the Sports Performer - 6 hours.
- Goal-setting for Performance Enhancement in Sports - 4 hours.
- The Theory and Measurement of Overtraining in Sports - 3 hours.
- The Theory and Practice of Maximizing Training for Sports - 20 hours.
- The Theory and Implementation of Modern Training Theory - 10 hours.
- Sport Science Update - 3 hours.
- Mental Skills Training for Sports - 4 hours.
- Mental Imagery Training in Sports - 4 hours.
- Modern Coaching Theory: Training Physical Capacities - 3 hours.
- Sport Psychology Activities for Athlete Training Camps Daily Items for a 5-Day Camp.
- Personal Best: A Swimmers' Workshop for Racing Excellence - 3 hours.
- Scientific Swimming in the 21st Century: A Workshop for Coaches - 3 days.
- The Techniques of Swimming Champions - 10 hours.
- Swimming Technique Development Clinic - 2 days.
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