Simoes, H. G., Campbell, C. S., & Kokubun, E. (1998). High and low lactic acidosis training: Effects upon aerobic and anaerobic performance. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 30(5), Supplement abstract 932.
Two groups of four volunteer runners trained similarly for four weeks. During that period, one group trained three times per week eliciting blood lactate concentrations of at least 10 mM and the other maintained lactate levels below 6 mM for a similar number of training sessions. Before and after the training period, Ss were tested for an all-out 3,000 m run, 4 mmol/l threshold, steady state heart rate while running at 200 m/min velocity, mean velocity in 5 x 30-m sprints, mean velocity in a 60-m sprint, and mean velocity in a 300-m run.
The low-acidosis training group showed anaerobic gains, an increase in 300-m velocity, and aerobic improvement with a lower heart rate during the 200m/min run and non-significant faster 3,000-m time. The high-acidosis training group also showed anaerobic gains with higher velocity and lactate levels in the 300-m run. However, aerobic performance was compromised. Time for 3000-m run was slower and a higher heart rate was evidenced in the 200 m/min run.
It was concluded that high acidosis training compromises aerobic fitness.
Implication. Too much lactate tolerance (high acidosis) training can cause aerobic performance to decline. Anaerobic training that only stimulates moderate accumulated lactate levels enhances anaerobic performance and maintains aerobic fitness.
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