Bishop, D., Bonetti, D., & Dawson, B. (2001). The effect of three different warm-up intensities on kayak ergometer performance. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33, 1026-1032.
The influence of warm-up intensity on supramaximal kayak ergometer performance was investigated. Serious kayakers performed a graded test to determine VO2max and lactate parameters. Warm-ups were performed in random order for 15 minutes at three intensities: aerobic threshold, anaerobic threshold, and a point midway between the two. A five-minute passive rest period followed the warm-up and then a two-minute, all-out ergometer test was performed.
Between the three warm-up intensities, no significant differences were observed for average power, peak VO2, total VO2, Total VCO2, or accumulated oxygen deficit during the two-minute test. The warm-up at anaerobic threshold produced greater levels of lactate and reduced performance.
Implication. If warm-up is too intense, the associated metabolic acidemia may impair sprint performance.
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