Azhar, M. H., & Schmidt, G. J. (1998). Aerobic and anaerobic performance of midfield and non-midfield competitive soccer players. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 30(5), Supplement abstract 188.
Midfield (N = 7) and non-midfield (N = 7) players were assessed on a repeated sprint test (6 x 40 m) and a Tri-level Fitness Profile (TFP).
There were no differences between the two groups in the aerobic or anaerobic portions of the TFP. Time to peak performance was significantly correlated to an alactic work index and an anaerobic work index in midfielders. In non-midfielders there were significant correlations between alactic power and alactic work index and anaerobic work index and alactic power, work to rest ratio, and 40-m sprint.
Midfielders were faster and performed better in peak power tests. Overall, the results showed that anaerobic fitness measures provide greater distinction between soccer player positions than aerobic indices.
Implication. If soccer specific tests for physical capacities are formed, the tests should be position-specific because the physical demands of players' roles differ.
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