Alumuzaini, K. S., Alghamdi, A., Suliman, M., & Dafterdar, M. (1999). Optimizing peak and mean power does not make the Wingate test a better predictor of sprint ability. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 31(5), Supplement abstract 224.
This investigation assessed whether performance on the Wingate anaerobic power test, when using the optimal braking force, was a better predictor of sprint ability than the vertical jump, or long jump. Twelve year-old boys (N = 23) performed a 50-m dash, vertical jump, long jump, and a Wingate test using braking forces of 65, 70, 75, and 80 kp/kg body mass.
There were significant differences for peak and mean power between the four Wingate performances using the different braking levels. The 80 kp/kg resistance produced the highest peak power, and 70 kp/kg produced the highest mean power, although not significantly different to the 80 kp/kg value. Wingate peak power for any resistance was not significantly correlated with 50-m dash times, but Wingate mean power at all resistances was. There were no significant correlations between 50-m dash and vertical or long jump.
Implication. Sprint ability is predicted better with the Wingate test mean power value, than with a vertical or long jump. However, optimizing peak and mean power does not necessarily improve the Wingate test's predictability.
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