Gitto, A. T., Rhodes, E. C., Martin, A. D., Taunton, J. E., & McKenzie, D. C. (1996). Relationship of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption to VO2max and recovery rate. Medicine and Science in Exercise and Sports, 28(5), Supplement abstract 408.

The rate and magnitude of recovery from supramaximal work were not related to VO2max, but magnitude was related to anaerobic capacity. Recovery rates were similar in each S across varying degrees of work indicating that recovery from anaerobic work is of a fixed rate irrespective of the nature of the work.

Implication. Recovery from anaerobic work will take longer, the larger the anaerobic capacity of the individual. However, recovery rate will be consistent irrespective of the nature of the activity. Recovery from supramaximal efforts can be measured and assumed to be consistent.

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