Fisdel, J. G. (1988). An assessment tool for goal-setting in sporting environments. Unpublished master's thesis, San Diego State University, San Diego, California.
An assessment tool that evaluates the factors involved in the process of establishing and using goals by athletes in specific sporting environments was constructed according to rigorous scientific standards. The resulting questionnaire underwent a variety of developmental processes and in its final form (see below) contained 98 items. The inventory was shown to be a valid, readable, reliable, objective, and standardized assessment tool. It provokes honest and accurate responding in Ss. The test is capable of providing information to coaches about individual and groups of athletes. Responses to questions will reflect; (a) consistent, (b) inconsistent, and (c) the absence of behaviors related to the goal-setting processes.
This inventory differedfrom past psychological tests because it considered:
If a coach truly wants to implement a goal-setting program that will be maximally effective, the content of the Goal-setting Inventory has to be known and its implied actions followed.
The inventory is accompanied by standardized testing instructions and an answer sheet.
The internal instructions, questions, and response alternatives of the Goal-setting Inventory are reproduced below.
GOAL-SETTING INVENTORY Brent S. Rushall, Ph.D., R.Psy. and Jorge G. Fisdel, M.A. First produced 1988, Revised 1992 A psychological inventory that is valid for use with athletes 15 years of age and older. The information gained from this test is analyzed by a computer. The analysis results are then used to indicate to the coach the best procedures that can be used for coaching and handling the athlete who has completed the inventory. This inventory contains questions that deal with goals, goal-setting, goal- evaluation, and goal-achievements. The answers that you give will be used to indicate to your coach what is the best way to coach you. This evaluation is appropriate only for athletes who believe they have goals in their sport. If you believe that you have no goals then discuss with your coach the reason for your being asked to take the test. It is necessary that you answer each question as truthfully as possible. False or inaccurate answers will cause the inventory results to suggest improper coaching techniques. Take your time in answering each item so that you can answer what is true for you. Provide only one answer to each question. Answer every question unless you are specifically directed not to in the booklet. Do not mark the question booklet but put your answers on the answer sheet that is supplied. WHAT ARE GOALS? Goals are what an individual or team tries to accomplish in their sport. They are the objects or aims of the activities of training and competing. Goals influence sport behaviors. They serve as standards against which performance is evaluated. 1. GENERAL 1.1 I am ready to answer each question as truthfully as possible. a. true b. uncertain c. false 1.2 I understand how my performance is measured in my sport. a. true b. uncertain c. false 2. GOAL-PERCEPTIONS This series of questions asks how you view the values, uses, and effects of having goals. 2.1 There are times in my sport when I do not have any goals. a. always b. sometimes c. never 2.2 I have specific goals to aim for in my sport. a. always b. sometimes c. never 2.3 The goals that I have in my sport are challenging but not too difficult. a. always b. sometimes c. never 2.4 I have deadlines for accomplishing goals in my sport. a. always b. sometimes c. never 2.5 When more than one goal is to be achieved, I know the order of preference in which they should be attempted. a. always b. sometimes c. never 2.6 Upon reaching my goals I am rewarded/recognized in some way. a. always b. sometimes c. never 2.7 Having goals makes my sport more enjoyable. a. always b. sometimes c. never 2.8 I feel that my goals pressure me too much. a. always b. sometimes c. never 2.9 My goals are much too difficult. a. always b. sometimes c. never 2.10 The goals that I have for my sport conflict with my personal values. a. always b. sometimes c. never 2.11 Some goals that I have for my sport are not specific enough for me to understand how I can achieve them. a. always b. sometimes c. never 2.12 When others set goals for me they are used to help me. a. always b. sometimes c. never 2.13 Team goals make me try harder. a. always b. sometimes c. never 2.14 Other people understand my goals because of the way I explain them. a. always b. sometimes c. never 2.15 Sport goals are important to me. a. always b. sometimes c. never 3. GOAL-SETTING INTERACTIONS WITH THE COACH This section asks you to describe those features of the interactions that occur with the coach with regard to goal-setting and goal-assessment. 3.1 My coach gives me the reasons for setting the goals that are designed for me. a. always b. sometimes c. never 3.2 My coach encourages me to reach my goals. a. always b. sometimes c. never 3.3 My coach lets me participate in the setting of my goals. a. always b. sometimes c. never 3.4 My coach lets me have some say in deciding how I will go about achieving my goals. a. always b. sometimes c. never 3.5 When I reach my goals, I know that my coach will be pleased. a. always b. sometimes c. never 3.6 When evaluating goals in relation to my performance, my coach is negative and critical. a. always b. sometimes c. never 3.7 When I fail to reach my goals, my coach suggests ways to improve. a. always b. sometimes c. never 3.8 If my coach makes a mistake that affects my ability to attain my goals, he/she will admit the error. a. always b. sometimes c. never 3.9 My coach makes sure that my goals are not stated negatively. a. always b. sometimes c. never 3.10 I do not like my coach to set my goals for me. a. always b. sometimes c. never 3.11 There are some things I want to achieve in my sport about which my coach is not aware. a. always b. sometimes c. never Answer each of the following by considering what your coach does when your goal-achievements are evaluated in a meeting. 3.12 The coach and I evaluate the status of my goals and whether or not they have been achieved. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 3.13 My coach asks me if there are any areas of training in which he/she can assist me. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 3.14 My coach tells me what I have done that deserves recognition. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 3.15 My coach listens to my explanations and concerns regarding my performance problems. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 3.16 My coach comes to agreement with me on the steps to be taken by each of us to solve any performance problems. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 3.17 My coach makes sure that at the end of a goal-setting meeting, I have a specific goal or goals to be achieved. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 3.18 My coach schedules a follow-up meeting so that we can discuss progress in relation to the new goals that have been set. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 3.19 My coach lets me leave the meeting feeling that I had much input into the decision-making that occurred. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 4. THE EFFECTS OF GOALS ON THE ATHLETE This section lists the reactions that athletes have about goal-setting, goals, and goal-evaluations. Answer as these apply to you. 4.1 Having goals makes my sport more interesting. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 4.2 I feel proud when I achieve my goals. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 4.3 My teammates and I compete to see who can achieve their goals in contests. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 4.4 When I fail to achieve my goals I am disappointed. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 4.5 I feel that I disappoint other people (e.g., coach, parents, etc.) if I do not achieve my goals. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 4.6 The more goals that I achieve, the more confident I become. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 4.7 The more times that I do not reach my goals, the less confident I am of being able to perform and achieve further goals. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 4.8 The more times that I fail to achieve my goals, the more I want to lower them. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 4.9 As I achieve my goals, the more I want to increase their difficulty. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 4.10 If people know what my goals are it bothers me. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 5. GOAL-SETTING ACTIONS This section asks questions about the activities that surround the goal- setting and goal-evaluation process. Answer the questions as they apply to you. 5.1 My teammates encourage me to achieve my goals. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 5.2 I plan the way that I will go about achieving my goals. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 5.3 I work together with other athletes when setting goals. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 5.4 I like to work with other athletes in setting goals. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 5.5 Many people in my sport suggest to me what my goals should be. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 5.6 When I set goals for myself, I make them: a. easy to achieve; b. in between; or c. relatively difficult to achieve. 5.7 I set my goals low so that I am guaranteed of attaining them. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 5.8 I prefer to set my own goals. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 5.9 Once I establish goals for a particular performance, I do not change them. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 5.10 When I establish goals for myself, I write them down. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 5.11 I have an established time-table for achieving my goals. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 5.12 Before establishing a goal, I weigh my strengths and weaknesses to determine what is the best goal for me. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 5.13 My goals are related to the benefits that I will derive when they are achieved. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 5.14 When team goals are set, I have input into what they should be. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 5.15 I like to have detailed records of all my contests so that I can monitor my own progress. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 5.16 I like to set the ultimate goals for my sporting career myself. a. true b. uncertain c. false 6. FACTORS WHICH AFFECT THE SETTING OF GOALS This section evaluates those factors which affect goals, goal-setting, and goal-evaluation. Answer as they apply to you. 6.1 I feel that my training is good enough to allow me to reach my goals. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 6.2 The way the team/club is run helps me achieve my goals. a. frequently b. seldom c. never 6.3 How well I expect to do in a performance affects the way I apply myself to achieve goals. a. always b. sometimes c. never 6.4 When my goals are established, my abilities are taken into account. a. always b. sometimes c. never 6.5 My goals are changed when I fail to achieve them. a. always b. sometimes c. never 6.6 My goals are changed when I achieve them. a. always b. sometimes c. never 6.7 Vague goals such as "try to do your best", "go for it", etc. help me to perform well. a. true b. uncertain c. false 6.8 Goals that indicate exactly how I am to perform help me do well. a. true b. uncertain c. false 6.9 My "short-term" goals are of more interest to me than are my "long- term" goals. a. always b. sometimes c. never 6.10 I have control over the events that will determine whether I do or do not achieve my goals. a. always b. sometimes c. never 6.11 Spectators at competitions cause me to change my goals. a. always b. sometimes c. never 6.12 I understand my goals well enough to evaluate my progress towards achieving them. a. always b. sometimes c. never 7. RELATIONSHIP OF GOALS TO PERFORMANCE This section evaluates the relationship that goals, goal-setting, and goal-evaluation have to an athlete's performance. Answer as they apply to you. 7.1 I fail to achieve my goals. a. always b. sometimes c. never 7.2 My performance is helped by the goals that have been established for me. a. true b. uncertain c. false 7.3 Before attempting a skill or task in training, I set a goal for what should be done. a. always b. sometimes c. never 7.4 When I have a good chance of achieving goals, I perform well. a. always b. sometimes c. never 7.5 When I have a poor chance of achieving goals, I am not able to perform my best. a. always b. sometimes c. never 7.6 When I am uncertain about achieving a goal, I try harder. a. true b. uncertain c. false 7.7 The more difficult the goal, the harder I try. a. true b. uncertain c. false 7.8 After failing to achieve my goals in a competition, the level of effort that I put into my next training session is: a. harder; b. in between; or c. reduced. 7.9 I am prepared to train for many years to achieve specific goals in my sport. a. true b. uncertain c. false 8. OTHER FACTORS RELATED TO GOAL-SETTING This section evaluates other factors which affect goals, goal-setting, goal-evaluation, and goal-achievement. Answer as they apply to you. 8.1 It is important for me to continually improve my performances in training. a. true b. uncertain c. false 8.2 It is important for me to perform well in training. a. true b. uncertain c. false 8.3 I prefer competitions that are more difficult than easy. a. true b. uncertain c. false 8.4 It is important for me to compete well in every contest. a. true b. uncertain c. false 8.5 I like goals that, if achieved, indicate I have improved my performance standard. a. true b. uncertain c. false 9. TYPES OF GOALS This final section asks you to describe the types and features of goals that you have. A. Career Goals are the ultimate things that an athlete wishes to attain through participation in the sport. They describe the final major outcomes that are sought through training and competing. Examples are: 1) to participate until 1996 to make the Olympic Games team; 2) to become a professional athlete. 9.1 I have established career goals. a. yes b. uncertain c. no If you answered "no" to the above question go to section B on "Relatively long-term goals". 9.2 My career goals were established by: a. myself b. my coach and myself c. my coach B. Relatively long-term goals are one or two major sets of goals that have been established to occur on the way to achieving career goals. Examples are: 1) participating in the national championships by the year 1992; and 2) to make a national team by the year 1994. 9.3 I have established relatively long-term goals. a. true b. uncertain c. false If you answered "false" to the above question go to section C on "Performance goals". 9.4 My relatively long-term goals were established by: a. myself b. my coach and myself c. my coach 9.5 If I fail to achieve my relatively long-term goals I will have to seriously consider if my participation in this sport is worth it. a. true b. uncertain c. false C. Performance goals are goals which are to be achieved at some time in the current competition year. Examples are: 1) to qualify to go to nationals, and 2) to break a record in a particular category. 9.6 I have established performance goals. a. true b. uncertain c. false If you answered "false" to the above question go to section D on "Progress goals" 9.7 My performance goals were established by: a. myself b. my coach and myself c. my coach 9.8 I believe that I can achieve my performance goals. a. true b. uncertain c. false D. Progress goals are goals that indicate your training progress toward achieving your performance goals. An example is: "Does my performance at this time indicate that I am progressing satisfactorily?" 9.9 I establish progress goals. a. always b. sometimes c. never If you answered "never" in the above question go to the end of the inventory. 9.10 My progress goals were established by: a. myself b. my coach and myself c. my coach
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