Bruggeman, K. E., Dzewaltowski, D. A., Behrens, T. K., & Jager, A. (2008). Effects of elimination and non-elimination games on physical activity and psychosocial responses in children. ACSM 55th Annual Meeting Indianapolis, Presentation Number, 931.
This study examined the effects of elimination games and non-elimination games on physical activity, self-efficacy, peer victimization, and enjoyment in normal weight (N = 20) and overweight (N = 9) 4th-6th grade children (65.5% male). Ss participated in two sessions where they played either non-elimination or elimination games. Children were stratified according to gender and weight status and randomized into game sessions that were counter-balanced across two days. Each session consisted of playing two 20-minute games. Non-elimination games were adopted from the evidence-based Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) games curriculum and modified for elimination games. Each child wore an Actigraph GT1M accelerometer and completed an 11-item questionnaire measuring self-efficacy, peer victimization, and enjoyment before and after each game session.
Overall, girls spent more time in sedentary activity compared to boys. Children were significantly more active during non-elimination games compared to elimination games, ostensibly because of more time in light physical activity and less time in sedentary physical activity during non-elimination games. However, there were no differences in moderate physical activity and vigorous physical activity. Furthermore, children significantly increased self-efficacy after playing both game sessions, but a significant interaction between game session and time of measurement in the prediction of enjoyment showed that enjoyment increased after elimination games and decreased after non-elimination games. There were no differences in peer victimization or weight status.
Implication. Although non-elimination games may lead to greater total volume of physical activity compared to elimination games, both games provide similar moderate and vigorous physical activity. Furthermore, children enjoy elimination games more than non-elimination games.