Goodrich, D. E., & Raglin, J. S. (2002). Psychological and perceptual responses of overuse-injured and uninjured collegiate athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 34(5), Supplement abstract 1325.

Female collegiate athletes (N = 84) from five sports served as Ss. Mood was assessed using the POMS, and state anxiety before practices and competitions was assessed using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. The sample was divided in healthy and minor acute and overuse injured. The operational definition of injured was:

  1. Characterized by a gradual onset over three or more days and not by sudden trauma.
  2. Induced sensations of pain or discomfort during or after exercise that do not significantly reduce training levels.
  3. Does not prohibit training for more than seven consecutive days.
  4. Results in reduced flexibility or range of motion.

The inventories were completed four times during the season; at easy and hard training sessions and at easy and hard competitions.

The overall injury rate was 50% over the season. There were no significant differences on any measure between the injured and uninjured groups. Changes were noted for the total group over the season.

Implication. Mood does not reflect overuse injured states.

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