Fernandez, B., Perez-Landaluce, J., Rodriguez, M., & Terrados, N. (1995). Metabolic contribution in Olympic kayaking events. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 27(5), Supplement abstract 143.

Nine world-championship finalists were tested on water over 250, 500, and 1000 m distances and physiological parameters noted. The duration of each performance was then replicated on a kayaking ergometer and the metabolic costs analyzed (demand, uptake, oxygen deficit, and maximal accumulated oxygen deficit). The results indicated that energy requirements were similar to those for swimming and running events of similar duration.

     Distance     Duration         % Anaerobic         % Aerobic

     250 m        56.8 sec             56.5               43.5
     500 m        2:04 min             37.1               62.9
     1000 m       4:15 min             20.3               79.7

Implication. For most Olympic kayak events, aerobic functioning will provide a greater proportion of energy than will anaerobic functioning. However, it must be remembered that both systems must be trained but with an understanding of the very different roles that each plays in an athlete's development and competitive performance.

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