Zuoziene, I. J., & Poderys, J. L. (2010). The informativeness of field tests and laboratory assessments in forecasting the actual performance of swimmers. A paper presented at the XIth International Symposium for Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming, Oslo, June 16–19, 2010.
This study compared the informative value of field tests (research done in the swimming-pool) and laboratory assessments in forecasting the possible performance of swimmers over 50 m. Swimmers (N = 12; age ~18.63 years) performed special field tests in the water to establish indices of muscle power and anaerobic capacity. A 50 m time-trial was also performed. After two days the indices of relative muscle power (W/kg), anaerobic power, anaerobic capacity, anaerobic performance, and functional indices of cardiovascular system were taken in a laboratory.
Well-trained swimmers, in comparison to the poor ones, had the highest values in muscle power, anaerobic power, anaerobic capacity, and some cardiovascular indices, such as PWC170, more optimal values or relative indices such as velocity of adaptation to loads and the ratio JT/RR of ECG. Vertical high jump and relative muscle power were correlated weakly with the 50 m time swim. Relatively small values of correlation were found in anaerobic power, and higher values in the anaerobic capacity indices obtained during the laboratory tests. The highest correlation values between the 50 m swimming performance and the assessed indices were obtained during pool testing.
Implication. The first criterion for any testing of swimmers should be that the testing must be conducted in a pool.
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