Batalha, N., Tomás-Carús, P., Fernandes, O., Marinho, D. A., & Silva, A. J. (2010). Water training effects shoulder rotator strength in young swimmers. A paper presented at the XIth International Symposium for Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming, Oslo, June 16–19, 2010.
This study evaluated the effect of 18 weeks of water training on the rotator cuff strength of young swimmers. Portuguese national level male swimmers (age =~14.60 years; N = 20) and sedentary male students (age: ~14.88 years; N = 16) participated. The peak-torques of shoulder internal and external rotators were measured at the beginning of the season and after 18 weeks. Concentric action at 60º/s (3 repetitions) and 180º/s (20 repetitions) were measured in a seated position, using an isokinetic dynamometer.
Significant between-group differences were found in all variables that measured internal rotator shoulder strength at 60º/s and 180º/s in the dominant and non-dominant shoulders. At 180º/s, external rotators were only different in the non-dominant shoulder. For the external:internal rotator strength ratio, significant differences were found between baseline and 18 weeks in both shoulders at 60º/s. At 180º/s only in the dominant shoulder was the external:internal rotator strength ratio significantly different.
Implication. Water training for 18 weeks induces muscular imbalances in swimmers' shoulders.
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