Kambis, K. W., McQuaid, D. B., MacDonald, J. R., Griffin, E., Muza, S. R., Rock, P. B., Cymerman, A., Friedlander, A., & Fulco, C. S. (2001). Interaction of high altitude and caloric deficit on mood state. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(5), Supplement abstract 1641.
"Rapid weight loss has been shown to negatively alter mood state at sea level (SL). Exposure to high altitude (HA) is know to cause negative mood changes and weight loss" (p. s 291). This study investigated if maintaining SL caloric intake at altitude would decrease affect on mood. Males (N = 16) were assigned to two groups: energy intake adequate to maintain body mass (N = 7), and energy deficient (-1500 kcal/day; N = 9). Bot groups completed seven days of SL diet acclimatization. The POMS-BI was used to measure mood. Mood was assessed each morning of SL stabilization. Ss were then transported to 4,300 m where they stayed for 21 days. Mood was assessed each morning.
At SL mood was stable. At HA, mood decreased significantly during days 2-5. Mood returned to baseline values after seven days. Decreased caloric intake did not alter mood at HA. Body mass decreased more in the calorie deficient group at altitude.
Implication. Mood is only affected at altitude during the initial days of adjustment. It then returns to states similar to those exhibited at sea level.
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