Rooney, K. J., Herbert, R. D., & Balnave, R. J. (1994). Fatigue contributes to the strength of training stimulus. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 26, 1160-1164.
This study compared three groups: weight training with fatigue (6 RM, 6-10 sets, 3 d/wk, for six weeks); weight training with 30 sec rests between each repetition in the sets, and an inactive control group.
The fatigue group increased dynamic strength (56.3%) in the elbow flexor muscles significantly more than the rest (41.2%) and control groups (19.7%).
It was concluded that greater short-term strength increases are achieved when Ss are required to lift without resting. It was hypothesized that fatigue contributed to the strength-training stimulus.
Implication. Strength training repetitions should be undertaken with a goal of achieving a significant fatigue state. Therefore, maximal strength stimulation will result from working to exhaustion with very high levels of effort. Less than maximal application will reduce potential benefits.
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