Hewett, T. E., Stroupe, A. L., Nance, T. A., & Noyes, F. R. (1996). Plyometric training in female athletes. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 24, 765-772.
The effects of a jump-training program involving instruction in jumping mechanics, plyometric training, and flexibility exercises were assessed on the jumping performance and mechanics of knee function in female (N = 11) high school volleyball players. Training was performed three times a week for two hours per day over six weeks. A group of untrained males matched for physical structure served as a control group.
Landing forces decreased, vertical jump increased, and knee mechanics improved after the training program. There was no way of attributing these improvements to any one part of the complex training program (technique, plyometrics, flexibility). Since a total of 18 sessions were experienced and yielded significant changes, it is likely that technique training (neurological reorganization) had a substantial effect on the athletes' performances. Flexibility did not change through training.
Implication. A complex jump-training program involving technique instruction, plyometrics, and flexibility can affect jumping performance and dynamics in high school female volleyball players.
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