Pompcu, F. A., Gomes, P. S., & Flegner, A. J. (1996). Prediction of performance in the 5,000 m run by means of laboratory and field tests in male distance runners. Medicine and Science in Exercise and Sports, 28(5), Supplement abstract 89.

Blood lactate curves during exercise have been widely used in the prescription of training stimuli for long-distance runners. Transferring laboratory results to field situations has been shown to be inadequate. It was found that running velocity at 4 mM/l fixed lactate concentration was the best predictor of performance in the 5,000 m run.

Implication. A field test involving running was related more to 5,000 m running performance than physiological measures obtained in a laboratory gathered from a treadmill running task. Measures for prediction and analysis of sporting performance are best when they involve performing the activity itself.

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