Wunderlich, A., Yeargin, S. W., Wilson, J., & Kingsley, J. D. (2013). Dynamic stretching on 5-km performance and running economy in collegiate cross-country runners. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 45(5), Supplement abstract number 698.
This study evaluated the effects of dynamic stretching on running economy and 5-km time-trial compared to a control protocol in male collegiate cross-country runners (N = 15). Ss completed a random crossover design that included a half-mile warm-up run at 65% VO2max followed by either dynamic stretching or a no-activity control protocol. The 15 minutes of dynamic stretching consisted of eight different lower-body dynamic stretches that were repeated twice. The 15-minute no-activity protocol consisted of quite rest. After each protocol, Ss completed a 5-km time-trial for evaluation of running economy, via indirect calorimetry and time. Sit-and-reach scores were recorded both before and after each protocol. Running economy was measured as the total calories expended during 5-km time-trial and time was also recorded.
There was no significant interaction or main effects for the sit-and-reach test. Running economy was not statistically different between conditions. There was a significant difference found for the 5-km time-trial performance with dynamic stretching being faster.
Implication. Dynamic stretching does not increase hamstring flexibility or affect running economy but does increase performance time in male distance runners.
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