Snyder, T., & Swensen, T. (2014). Effects of plyometric and endurance training on aerobic and anaerobic power. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 46(5), Supplement abstract number 951.
This study compared the effects of four weeks of plyometrics and endurance training on various indices of aerobic and anaerobic performance in active college age males and females. Ss were assigned to a plyometric (M = 6; F = 9) or endurance training group (M = 6; F = 8). Endurance training consisted of 30 minutes of cycling at a heart rate corresponding to 75% of VO2max. Plyometric training consisted of various jumps and lunges, yielding 120 foot-to-ground touches. Both groups trained 30 minutes per day, three days per week for four weeks. Workouts were preceded and followed by a warm-up and cool-down. Cycle VO2max, a 2-mile cycling time-trial performance, and Wingate 30-second peak power and mean power output were assessed before and after training.
There were no differences between groups before and after training for any variable although the magnitude of change for each variable was larger with cycle training.
Implication. Plyometric training is an effective means by which to enhance indices of aerobic and anaerobic fitness and is about as effective as endurance training.
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