Laird, R. H., Kennedy, S., Elmer, D., Barberio, M., Aslom, P., Lee, K., & Pascoe, D. D. (2014). Effect of concurrent sprint interval and resistance training on strength, power, and aerobic performance measures. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 46(5), Supplement abstract number 934.
This study determined the effect of sprint-interval training and resistance training performed concurrently on measures of strength, power, and VO2max compared to resistance training alone in recreationally active females (N = 28). Ss completed a 12-week training program. Pre- and post-testing consisted of 1-RM back squat, maximal isometric squat, rate of force development, anaerobic power evaluation, lactate threshold, and VO2max. Following initial testing, Ss were paired according to 1-RM back squat and VO2max values and randomly assigned to one of two groups: i) concurrent training that completed both resistance and sprint-interval training protocols, and ii) resistance training which only completed the resistance training protocol. Training occurred three days per week and lasted for 12 weeks. Resistance training was completed before noon with each S trained at the same time each day. Separated by at least four hours, concurrent training Ss returned and completed the sprint-interval tasks.
Both groups showed increased 1-RM squat and maximal isometric force values. The rate of force development was not significantly altered in either group. Wingate testing revealed significant increases in peak and mean anaerobic power values in both groups with no statistical difference between groups. VO2max also increased in the concurrent training group. Predicted zero incline velocity resulting in VO2max (Vmax) values were significantly elevated in both groups although concurrent training resulted in a significantly greater adaptive response. Lactate threshold also increased significantly in both groups following training.
Implication. Resistance training in isolation and sprint-interval training based concurrent training result in identical improvements to measures of strength, power, and VO2max with no indication of adaptive interference.
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