Assuncao, A. R., Gentil, P., Mottaro, M., Fischer, B., & Celes, R. (2014). Effects of plyometrics on anaerobic power and aerobic capacity in adolescent males. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 46(5), Supplement abstract number 950.
“Explosive strength is a combination of strength and speed. In many sports, the ability to generate maximum strength in the shortest period of time has been considered as essential to obtain a high sport performance level. Relevant studies report that plyometrics increases vertical jumping performance both for adult and pubertal populations. However, to our knowledge, there are no studies that have examined the influence of plyometric training on anaerobic power in an adolescent population.”
This study aimed at verifying the effects of plyometric training on anaerobic power, aerobic capacity, agility, and speed in physically active adolescent males (N = 31). Ss were distributed into two groups: a control group (N = 16) and an experimental group (N = 15). Experimental Ss participated in a plyometrics program progressing from level 1 (weeks 1 to 5; 2 sets of 5 exercises; total of 108 jumps) to level 2 (weeks 6 to 10; 3 sets of 5 exercises; total of 136 jumps) that consisted of hurdle hops, single-leg zig-zag hops, standing jumps, single-leg hurdle hops, and depth jumps. Plyometrics were performed in 30-minute sessions, twice per week for 10 weeks. At the beginning and at the end of the study, a RAST Test, a 1,600 m running test, a shuttle-run, and a 30-m Sprint test were applied.
Implication. The bi-weekly plyometric training of male adolescents improved important components of athletic performance, such as anaerobic power, aerobic capacity, agility, and velocity in the activities used for practice.
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