Sherman, J., Hanson, R., & Richmond, S. (2013). Music choice has no influence on muscular endurance or anaerobic exercise performance. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 45(5), Supplement abstract number 2165.
This study assessed the effect of personal-choice and standard music on muscular endurance and anaerobic exercise performance. Ss were divided into back squat (N = 15), bench press (N = 14), and Wingate test (N = 4) groups. Ss had previous resistance training experience. For both the back squat and bench press, a one repetition-maximum (1RM) was calculated using a weight that could be performed for 3-15 repetitions. Ss were randomly assigned to either the standard music or the personal-choice music group. For Trial 1, following a light warm-up, Ss began listening to either the standard or the personal-choice music and performed as many full repetitions as possible with 75% of their predicted 1RM. After 48-72 hours rest, Ss performed Trial 2 where they would perform the same procedure as Trial 1 while listening to the other music. The Wingate anaerobic test was performed on a Monarch cycle ergometer. During the Wingate test, Ss rode against 7.5% of body weight resistance while listening to either the standard or the personal-choice music. Again after 48-72 hours rest, Trial 2 was performed using the same procedure as Trial 1 except Ss listened to the other music.
There was no significant difference in bench press performance or in squat performance between the two music conditions. For the Wingate test, there was no significant difference in peak power or mean power.
Implication. There is no significant impact on anaerobic power or muscular endurance when listening to a standard- or preferred-choice music
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