Groezinger, E. Y., Cox, R. H., McLean, T. R., & Sunderman, R. T. (2014).Effects of a short hit protocol on indices of aerobic training. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 46(5), Supplement abstract number 947.
This study assessed the adaptations in VO2peak, heart rate, recovery VO2, and blood lactic acid in response to short high-intensity interval training bouts (21 minutes per session) performed three days per week in males (N = 10). Ss were measured during the first high-intensity training session and after one and three weeks of training. Training consisted of three one-minute intervals of approximately 125% of VO2 peak separated by four-minute recovery intervals of 40% of VO2 peak. Total training time was 21 minutes (including a one-minute warm-up and cool-down at 50 W).
VO2 peak significantly increased by 8% after three weeks (9 sessions). Reductions in the heart rate (relative bradycardia) and blood lactate responses were observed during the training session beginning at week 1. VO2 during recovery intervals averaged 0.45 L/min more than predicted.
Implication. Aerobic capacity and submaximal responses can be changed significantly with short weekly time investments. The highly elevated recovery VO2 may contribute to the aerobic adaptations observed
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