Del Vecchio, F. B. Del Vecchio, A. J., & Domingues, M. R. (2014). High-intensity interval-training: effects of cadence control on physiological variables and time-to-exhaustion. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 46(5), Supplement abstract number 1039.
This study evaluated the effects of cadence control during high-intensity interval-training bouts on physiological variables and subsequent performance in trained soldiers (N = 5). Ss were tested for maximal aerobic power (Pmax) and in two high-intensity interval-training sessions. In the high-intensity interval-training sessions, Ss followed a 7-minute warm-up, two sets of four 30-second sprints with 30-second rests (120%Pmax:rest), and four minutes of active recovery after warm-up, between sets, and before time-to-exhaustion at 120% of maximal aerobic power. Ss cycled the high-intensity interval-training sessions with cadence control (60 rpm) or in all-out mode. Blood lactate after last the sprint and time-to-exhaustion duration were considered the main outcomes. Heart rate and systolic and diastolic blood pressure were also measured.
In the all-out high-intensity interval-training session, blood lactate, time-to-exhaustion, and heart rate were significantly higher than in the cadence-60 high-intensity interval-training session.
Implication. The manipulation of cadence provides different intensities in high-intensity interval-training. Lactate and heart rate after the last sprint were higher in all-out high-intensity interval-training. Time-to-exhaustion was worse after all-out high-intensity interval-training, resulting in lower subsequent aerobic performance.
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