Sherman, T., & Hutchinson, J. (2012). Self-efficacy effect on anaerobic performance and perceived exertion during a Wingate bike test. Presentation 1883 at the 59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco, California; May 29-June 2, 2012.
This study examined the effect of self-efficacy on perceived effort and performance using a maximal effort anaerobic task. Male and female collegiate athletes (N = 36) were randomly assigned to one of three groups; (a) high-efficacy; (b) low-efficacy, or (c) control group. Efficacy expectations were manipulated via false performance feedback. A manipulation check confirmed that this method successfully impacted self-efficacy in the intended direction. Before and after the self-efficacy intervention, Ss completed a 30-second Wingate bike test to fatigue. During the task, Ss provided differentiated ratings of perceived exertion at 15-second intervals. Effort tolerance was determined by the length of time the S could maintain the task. Differences in peak power, mean power, maximum heart rate, and perceived effort were analyzed.
Following the manipulation, high-efficacy Ss found the task less strenuous and more enjoyable than the low-efficacy or control groups. High-efficacy also resulted in significantly greater tolerance of the task than either the low-efficacy or control conditions. Compared to the control group, peak power increased significantly in both intervention groups.
Implication. High self-efficacy positively influences the experience of an anaerobic task. Peak power is influenced by an intervention that produces negative or positive effects in the initial stages of a task. The positive reports of an anaerobic task by high-efficacy individuals does not reflect an overall performance change in the task.
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