Ballmann, C. G., McGinnis, G., Peters, B., Quindry, J., Cuddy, J., Hales, W., Dumke, C., Ruby, B., & Slivka, D. (2013). Effect of hypoxic recovery post-exercise on blood oxidative stress markers. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 45(5), Supplement abstract number 2699.
This study investigated effects of hypoxic exercise recovery on acute post-exercise blood oxidative stress in physically active males (N = 12). Ss performed a bout of cycle ergometer exercise on two occasions consisting of 10 intervals (two minutes at 80% VO2max and four minutes at 50% VO2max) followed by eight minutes at 60% VO2max and 12 minutes at 50% VO2max. Ss recovered for six hours at either 975 m or 5,000 m (in a hypoxic chamber). Oxygen saturation was monitored during exercise and recovery via finger pulse oximetery. Blood samples were obtained pre-, post-, 2 hours post-, 4 hours post-, and 6 hours post-exercise. Samples were assayed for Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma, Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity, and Protein Carbonyls. Results were adjusted for plasma volume shifts.
Protein Carbonyls were not significantly altered between trials, but a main time-effect indicated an exercise induced blood oxidative stress response. Mean plasma Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity values were significantly elevated above baseline in normoxic recovery but not during hypoxic recovery. Mean plasma Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma values were higher at six hours in normoxia compared to hypoxic recovery. The percent change in plasma Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma indicated a mean decrease at six hours in hypoxic recovery versus normoxic recovery at the same time point.
Implication. An aerobic exercise stimulus elicits an oxidative stress response that is evident in blood parameter changes during recovery. Hypoxic/altitude exercise recovery blunts those outcomes when compared to normoxic recovery. Slowed recovery at altitude suggests that greater rest periods than "normal" are warranted in training programs.
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