Sale, C., Saunders, B., Hudson, S., Sunderland, C. D., Wise, J. A., & Harris, R. C. (2010). Effect of B-alanine supplementation, with and without sodium bicarbonate, on high-intensity cycling capacity. Presentation 930 at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; June 2-5.
This study examined the effect of B(beta)-alanine supplementation, with and without sodium bicarbonate, on high-intensity cycling capacity. Male cyclists (N = 12) completed four cycling capacity tests at 110% of maximum power to determine total work done. Ss were equally assigned to one of two supplementation groups (placebo or B-alanine) and performed the capacity test in a randomized order, twice pre-supplementation (with and without sodium bicarbonate) and twice post-supplementation (with and without sodium bicarbonate). The study comprised four double-blind experimental conditions: placebo + placebo, placebo + sodium bicarbonate, B-alanine + placebo, and B-alanine + sodium bicarbonate. Blood lactate and bicarbonate were determined at rest, pre-exercise, post-exercise, and five minutes post-exercise.
Total work completed during the 110% power test was increased in all conditions post-supplementation, with the largest increases shown with B-alanine. Supplementation with B-alanine + sodium bicarbonate resulted in significantly greater total work done during the test than during the other conditions. Blood lactate concentrations were significantly elevated following exercise and remained so after five minutes of recovery. Blood bicarbonate concentrations were elevated pre-exercise in bicarbonate treatments.
Implication. B-alanine supplementation improved high-intensity cycling capacity. Its effect was further improved by co-ingestion with sodium bicarbonate.
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