Smoglia, J. M., Fleming, J. J., Hux, M. S., & Fradkin, A. J.(2012). Running economy is not related to jumping performance. Presentation 1547 at the 59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco, California; May 29-June 2, 2012.
This study determined the relationship between eight different jump types and running economy. Recreationally active college students (M = 6; F = 4) participated in two days of testing separated by 48 hours. On Day 1, Ss ran for five minutes on a treadmill at four submaximal speeds with three minutes rest between speeds. Metabolic data were collected continuously and running economy for each speed was computed as oxygen uptake (VO2) required to run 1 km. On Day 2, Ss performed a series of eight randomized jumps including a single-legged vertical jump, broad jump, and contralateral jump on both right and left legs, as well as a double-legged vertical jump and broad jump. Ss performed three repetitions of each jump, with 45 seconds rest between repetitions and three minutes rest between jump types.
There were significant differences in heart rate and oxygen uptake but there were no significant differences in running economy between all speeds. Non-significant relationships were recorded between running economy and the various jumping forms.
Implication. All jump types have a very poor relationship to running economy, suggesting that there must be alternate explanations for the improved RE seen after plyometric training.
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