Maddigan, M., Peach, A., & Behm, D. (2012). A comparison of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques: Partner-assisted vs. Theraband® stretch strap unassisted modalities. Presentation 3346 at the 59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco, California; May 29-June 2, 2012.
This study compared and investigated the effects of the Thera-Band® Stretch Strap-unassisted PNF on hip-joint range of motion, reaction time, and movement time in active adults (M = 6; F = 7). Ss were subjected to five different stretch interventions in a random order on separate days. The five stretch conditions were: 1) isometric, 2) concentric, and 3) eccentric contractions (all using the Thera-Band® Stretch Strap for resistance and maxmium ROM), 4) partner-isometric PNF, and 5) static stretching. Reaction time, movement time, dynamic, active, and passive hip-flexion range of motion were measured twice before and after the interventions and dynamic angular velocity was calculated during the dynamic stretch.
There was a positive main effect for time with all the stretching conditions, increasing from pre- to post-intervention with dynamic, active, and passive stretches. There was a negative main effect for time with dynamic angular velocity decreasing from pre- to post-intervention. As well there was a negative main effect for movement time from pre- to post-intervention. No significant differences were found in the Ss' reaction time pre- to post-stretching and there was no interaction between the stretch conditions for any of the measures.
Implication. Theraband® Stretch Strap may be used as an alternative to assisted-PNF protocols.
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