English, T., & Howe, K. (2007). The effect of Pilates exercise on trunk and postural stability and throwing velocity in college baseball pitchers: single-subject design. North American Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 2(1), 8-21.
This study is prefaced with the dogmatic statement that "Baseball pitchers need trunk strength to maximize performance." Using a single-subject, multiple-baseline across-subjects design, this study examined the effects of the Pilates method of exercise on performance of double-leg lowering, star excursion balance test, and throwing velocity in college-aged baseball pitchers (N = 3). For each S, double-leg lowering, star excursion balance test, and throwing speed were measured before the intervention. When baseline test values showed consistent performance, the intervention was introduced to one subject at a time. Intervention was introduced to the other Ss over a period of four weeks when they also demonstrated consistent performance on the baseline tests. Intervention was continued with periodic tests for the remainder of the 10-week treatment.
Each S improved in performance on double-leg lowering and the star excursion balance test over the period of the intervention. Throwing speed improved in two of the three Ss, suggesting that other factors are influential in developing release velocity.
Implication. The Pilates method of exercise may contribute to improved performance in double-leg lowering, star excursion balance tests, and throwing speed in college baseball pitchers.
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