Davidson, P. W., Sawyer, J. C., Collins, S. M., Dunbar, C. C., Matthews, T. D., & Paolone, V. J. (2011). Acute effects of antagonist static stretching on vertical jump performance. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 43(5). Supplement abstract 1764.
This study examined the acute effects of antagonist static stretching on vertical jump performance in resistance trained males (N = 31). Ss performed trials of static squat and counter-movement vertical jumps on four occasions during two treatment conditions. Ss jumped before treatment, immediately after treatment, at five minutes post-treatment, and at 15 minutes post-treatment. During vertical jump trials, Ss performed three static squat jumps and three counter-movement vertical jumps. Ss performed two sessions of testing, one that featured an experimental stretching protocol involving the antagonist muscles of the vertical jump being statically stretched, and one that featured a control no-stretching protocol.
For both protocols, both vertical jumps performed immediately after exercise and at 15 minutes post-exercise were significantly lower than before-treatment vertical jumps. There was no difference between treatments. Reductions in vertical jump performance may have been due to the periods of inactivity between the post-activity tests.
Implication. Static and antagonist stretching affect vertical jump performance when compared to no stretching. Such stretching appears to have no value with regard to improving performance.
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