Costa, B. M., Guimaraes, T. T., Cerqueira, L. S., Carvalho, A. O., Pompeu, F. A., Deslandes, & A. C. (2012). Acute effect of a stretching session on electroencephalogram and behavioral responses in healthy young adults. Presentation 2949 at the 59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco, California; May 29-June 2, 2012.
This study investigated the acute effect of a passive static-stretching session on cortical activity (EEG), mood, and anxiety in young healthy adult males (N = 17). The experimental procedure consisted of the evaluation of mood and anxiety through the Profile of Mood State (POMS) and State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). The asymmetry of the EEG alpha frequency band (8 to 13 Hz) was evaluated using the electrode pairs Fp1Fp2, F3F4, F7F8, and P3P4. Evaluations were performed before and immediately after a session of three sets of 30 seconds of passive static-stretching exercises for four different positions involving the major muscle groups. Recovery between the sets was 30 seconds.
Significant differences for the POMS factors of depression, fatigue, confusion, and total mood disturbance were recorded. There was no significant difference for the abnormal variable Fp1Fp2. The natural log of the absolute power of alpha frequency band showed no difference between moments.
Implication. Passive static-stretching led to an improvement in mood, but in no other variables associated with well-being.
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