Terry, P., Parcell, A., & Creer, A. (2011). Effectiveness of wearing compression tights during short recovery periods on subsequent cycling performance. Presentation 619 at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; June 2-5.
"Sports such as cycling may expose athletes to several endurance challenges over time periods ranging from 24-48 hours. In such situations recovery between events is crucial to the success of the athlete. Recently the use of lower body compression garments has been touted as a means to optimize recovery over brief periods of time."
This study determined if wearing compression tights during short recovery periods affects subsequent cycling performance. Endurance-trained cyclists (N = 5) underwent a graded exercise test to determine VO2max and maximal power output (Wmax). This was followed by two experimental trials, each involving a 60-minute cycling bout at 65% of Wmax on a Computrainer ergometer, a three-hour passive recovery period, and a subsequent 20-minute time-trial on the Computrainer to determine maximal sustainable power (MSP). Trials were randomized and involved the use or non-use of lower body compression tights during the three-hour passive recovery period. Trials were separated by one week.
Time-trial performances, maximal sustainable power, mean heart rate, and revolutions per minute were similar whether compression garments were or were not worn.
Implication. Wearing compression tights during a passive recovery period has no effect on subsequent cycling time-trial performance.
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