Zochowski, T., Johnson, E., & Sleivert, G. G. (2007). Effects of varying post-warm-up recovery time on 200-m time-trial swim performance. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2, 201-211.
"Warm-up before athletic competition might enhance performance by affecting various physiological parameters. There are few data available on physiological responses to the warm-up, and data that have been reported are inconclusive. Similarly, it has been suggested that varying the recovery period after a standardized warm-up might affect subsequent performance."
This study determined the effects of varying post-warm-up recovery time on a subsequent 200-m swimming time-trial. National-caliber swimmers (M = 5; F = 5) each swam a 1,500-m warm-up and performed a 200-m time-trial of their specialty stroke after either 10 or 45 minutes of passive recovery. Ss completed one time-trial in each condition separated by one week in a counterbalanced order. Blood lactate and heart rate were measured immediately after warm-up and three minutes before, immediately after, and three minutes after the time-trial. Rating of perceived exertion was measured immediately after the warm-up and time-trial.
Time-trial performance was significantly improved after 10 minutes compared to 45 minutes of recovery. There were no significant differences between conditions for heart rate and blood lactate after the warm-up. Pre-time-trial heart rate, however, was higher in the 10-minute than in the 45-minute rest condition.
Implication. A post-warm-up recovery time of 10 minutes rather than 45 minutes is more beneficial to 200-m swimming time-trial performance. [Long delays after a warm-up reduce and even remove any value obtained from the warm-up itself.]
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