Grindstaff, P. D., Kreider, R., Bishop, R., Wilson, M., Wood, L., Alexander, C., & Almada, A. (1997). Effects of creatine supplementation on repetitive sprint performance and body composition in competitive swimmers. International Journal of Sports Nutrition, 7, 330-346.
Male and female junior competitive swimmers (N = 18) supplemented their diets with 21 g/d of creatine monohydrate or a maltodextrin placebo for nine days during training. Prior to and following supplementation, Ss performed three 100-m freestyle sprint swims (long course) with 60 seconds of rest/recovery between swims. In addition, Ss performed three 20-second arm ergometer maximal-effort sprint tests in the prone position with 60 seconds of rest/recovery between sprint tests.
Significant differences were observed among swim times, with creatine Ss swimming significantly faster than placebo Ss following supplementation in the first swim and significantly decreasing swim time in the second 100-m sprint.
Implication. Nine days of creatine supplementation during swim training may provides some ergogenic value to competitive junior swimmers during repetitive sprint performance.
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