Wang, J., & Zhu, W. (June 2, 2010). Effects of resistance training on resting blood pressure: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. Presentation 1502 at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; June 2-5.
This study examined the effects of resistance training (RT) on resting blood pressure by conducting a meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies from 2000 to 2009. Four databases, MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus, EBSCOhost, and EMBASE were searched and studies were selected using the following criteria: a non-exercise control group; resistance training is the only intervention; Ss were >18 years; journal articles; resting blood pressures were assessed; and training duration was >4 weeks. Eleven studies were identified, including 14 training groups (note: some trials had two training groups with different frequency or intensity) and 524 participants. Only the post-test data were used for the meta-analysis.
Among the 11 studies, six showed small to large effect sizes in reducing systolic blood pressure and six showed a reduction in diastolic blood pressure.
Implication. Research findings of the effects of resistance training on blood pressure are equivocal. One cannot rightfully assert that resistance training will improve a person's blood pressure.
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