Seiler, S., & Saeterbakken, A. (2008). A unique core stability training program improves throwing velocity in female high school athletes. ACSM 55th Annual Meeting Indianapolis. Presentation number 620.
This study determined the impact of a Sling Exercise Training (SET) core stability program on maximal throwing velocity in high school female team handball players (N = 28). Ss were divided into a SET training group and a control group that performed normal training. After seven weeks of training, group numbers were reduced (SET = 14; Control = 9). Throwing velocity (600 g handball, average of three best throws) was determined from a penalty shot position, along with one-legged balance, unstable push-up strength, and two weak link tests. The SET group performed six closed kinetic-chain unstable exercises two times per week.
Average throwing velocity in the SET group increased 4.9% but was unchanged in the control group. Functional strength (modified pushups to failure with arms in slings) increased in both groups but more in the SET group than in the control group. Balance was not altered.
Implication. . [Core stability for an athlete may be defined as the ability of the hips and trunk to resist rotational torque. A strong and stable core region is considered to be an important precondition for generating high rotational velocity in multi-segmental movements.] Core stability training using closed kinetic-chain exercises performed in unstable slings significantly improved maximal throwing velocity.
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