Moneghan, K. D., Bemis, M. J., & Fradkin, A. J. (2010). The effects of stretching on vertical jump performance. Presentation 1706 at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; June 2-5.
This study examined the performance enhancing effects of stretching on vertical jump performance. Ss (M = 16; F = 18) completed a background questionnaire and their body composition was assessed (height, weight, body fat). Prior to undertaking the stretching routine, Ss performed three vertical jumps for baseline values on a Vertec machine. All Ss then performed a series of eight stretches, holding each stretch for 15 seconds and performing each stretch twice on both sides of the body. The stretches focused on the lower body and shoulder regions as they were the areas that were to be used in the vertical jump performance. Ss then performed three more vertical jumps to determine the effect of the stretches on jump height.
The average baseline jump height for females was 35.9 cm and for males was 53.7 cm with a combined overall baseline of 44.3 cm. The maximum vertical jump after stretching for females was 36.5 cm and for males was 54.2 cm with a combined overall maximum of 44.9 cm. No significant differences were revealed.
Implication. Static stretching of 15 seconds duration did not alter jumping performance in college-age males and females. Although that implication is not remarkable, this study did not demonstrate jumping performance depression as has been reported in other studies.
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