LeFavi, R. G., Riemann, B. L., Helton, J. A., & Davis, S. E. (June 03, 2010). Effects of low versus high-speed training on performance variables in high school athletes. Presentation 2083 at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; June 2-5.
This study determined the effects of low-speed versus high-speed strength training on four performance variables in high school athletes. Ss were assigned to either a low-speed (N = 24) or high-speed (N = 25) strength-training group. Ss completed 12 weeks of thrice-weekly training by performing either a bench press, squat, and deadlift (low-speed), or the clean-and-jerk and the snatch (high-speed). Intensity, based on percentage of 1 RM, and volume were controlled and equivalent between groups for each training session. Ss were tested on vertical jump, T-test, 40-yard sprint, and 1 RM push-press before and after the 12-week regimen.
There were no significant 40-yard sprint differences between groups. Vertical jump significantly improved across both groups. Significant interactions were revealed for both the push-press and T-test. The high-speed group improved significantly more in the push-press than the low-speed group. The high-speed group significantly improved in the T-test across time whereas the low-speed group's post-test time was significantly slower.
Implication. High-speed strength training is better than low-speed training in high school athletes when performance goals involve fast and powerful movements.
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