Lamont, H. S., Bemben, M. G., & Cramer, J. T. (2008). Effects of six weeks periodized squat training with or without WBLFV upon acute responsiveness to vibration. ACSM 55th Annual Meeting Indianapolis. Presentation number 619.
This study examined the effects of a 6-week, periodized squat training program, with or without whole body low frequency vibration (WBLFV) versus an active control upon acute responsiveness to WBLFV over a seven week period. Three groups (control, N = 6; squat-vibration N = 13; squat-only N = 11) performed Smith machine back squat training, twice per week with loads ranging between 55% and 90% 1 RM and sets ranging between three and five. Squat-vibration Ss were exposed to WBLFV for 30 seconds, rested three minutes, and then exposed to three, 10-second vibrations at 1-minute intervals in between sets of squats (four minutes rest between sets). All groups were exposed to an acute vibration protocol during weeks 1 (pre-training), 3 (mid-training) and 7 (post-training), consisting of three bouts of vibration lasting 10 seconds in between performing eight total jumps pre and post WBLFV. Jump height and dynamic power (peak power, peak power per kilogram BW, and mean power) were recorded for 30-cm depth jumps and 20-kg squat jumps.
There was no significant group by time point interaction for any of the outcome measures. Percent change in peak power for the squat jump was significantly greater for the squat-vibration group when compared to the squat-only group. Differences between the two groups were also shown for jump height, peak power, and peak-power per kilogram BW for the depth jumps.
Implication. Whole-body vibration added to a 6-week resistance training program improved resistance training adaptations to jumping performance.
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