Kuno-Mizumura, M. (2009). The effect of dynamic stretching on muscle performance after fatiguing exercise. A paper presented at the 14th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Oslo, Norway, June 24-27.
This study examined the effect of dynamic stretching on muscle fatigue using EMG analysis. Healthy females (N = 11) underwent a familiarization experience and performed the test protocol. In experimental sessions, Ss performed a 30% maximal voluntary contraction of isometric plantar flexion until exhaustion as the first activity which was then followed by dynamic stretching or a no-stretching control condition. One minute after treatment, a second 30% maximal voluntary contraction test was performed. Dynamic stretching was performed for five minutes. In the control condition, Ss were rested in lieu of dynamic stretching.
MVC force decreased significantly after the stretching and the initial test exercise compared to the baseline. The duration of the second test decreased significantly when compared to the first test in the session for both conditions. However, the percent decline in exercise time of the second test was significantly smaller for the dynamic stretching condition. Integrated EMGs of the lateral heads of the gastrocnemius, medial heads of gastrocnemius, soleus, and tibialis anterior muscles increased significantly with time for both tests in both conditions. The mean frequency of EMG signals evaluated by FFT analysis decreased significantly over time for all exercises. Integrated EMGs of the soleus muscle during first 10% of exercise time showed significantly lower levels for the stretching condition than the control.
Implication. Dynamic stretching has a modest effect on reducing muscle fatigue by modifying neuromuscular activity.
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