Havenetidis, K., Paradisis, G., Kardaris, D., & Paxinos, T. (June 03, 2010). The effect of resisted sprint training on commonly stretch-shortening cycle actions. Presentation 2159 at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; June 2-5.
This study determined the effects of speed chute training on various jump performance abilities. Young, well-trained cadets (N = 54; matched for 40-m run time) were randomly divided into two groups: speed chute (N = 27) and flat training (N = 27). Both groups trained three sessions per week (eight sprint-runs over 40 m distances with a five-minute rest interval) on an indoor track for seven weeks. Vertical and horizontal jumping performances (pre- and post-training) were assessed via a range of jump tests measured on a force platform and in a sand pit. These included the squat jump, the countermovement jump without and with arm movement, the standing broad jump, five horizontal bounds, and a drop jump from a 30 cm height. All cadets throughout the study ate from the same menu and received strictly the same opportunities for rest, sleep, and activity at specific times.
Ss in the speed chute group (pre- versus post-training) significantly improved in the standing broad jump, countermovement jump without and with arm movement, the five horizontal bounds, and the drop jump from a 30 cm height. The cadets in the flat training group (pre- versus post-training) improved only in the standing broad jump.
Implication. Speed chute training can significantly improve short and long stretch-shortening cycle actions.
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