Dragoo, K. R., Robinson, T. A., & Silvers, W. M. (June 03, 2010). Effects of hip-stabilization exercises on running economy. Presentation 2072 at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; June 2-5.
This study determined the effect of a four-week hip-stabilization resistance training program on running economy at two speeds in active runners (M = 10; F = 12). Ss were randomly assigned to a control or an experimental group. Pre-testing involved four-minutes of running economy tests at 2.68 m/sec and 3.13 m/sec separated by three minutes of rest. Oxygen consumption (VO2) was continuously monitored during each test and the final minute was used for analysis. Following pre-testing, Ss were told to maintain normal exercise activity while the experimental group performed supplemental hip-stabilization exercises three times per week for four weeks. Hip stabilization exercises included side-lying leg raises with external hip rotation, abducted hip flexion and extension, and standing hip hikes. All hip-stabilization exercises were performed without supplemental resistance for two sets of 20 repetitions per leg. Post-testing was identical to pre-testing.
There were no significant between group differences in running economy for pre- or post-testing and no significant pre-post differences in either group.
Implication. Running economy at sub-maximal running speeds is not affected by bodyweight hip-stabilization exercises.
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