De Costa Trindade, M. C., Avelar, A., Cyrino, E. S., & Tirapegui, J. (2008). Impact of creatine supplementation and resistance training on indicators of fatigue in women. ACSM 55th Annual Meeting Indianapolis. Presentation number 940.
It is purported that "Several studies have demonstrated that creatine supplementation can increase the performance in high-intensive exercises involving repeated muscular actions through delaying muscle fatigue and promoting a quick recovery between sets and exercises." This study analyzed the effect of creatine supplementation and resistance exercise on indicators of fatigue in women (N = 31). Ss were divided by a double-blind design into creatine supplementation (N = 16) or placebo (maltodextrin, N = 15) groups after 16 weeks of regular resistance training. The supplements were consumed in four 5 g/day doses (20 g/day) during the first five days. A single 3 g/day dose was ingested over the following 51 days. A 1 RM test was used as the strength indicator in three exercises (bench press, squat, and arm curl). Muscular endurance was evaluated by the highest number of repetitions performed up to voluntary exhaustion during four sets at 80% of 1 RM in the three exercises.
No significant differences in the fatigue index ([(number of repetitions in the first set - number of repetitions in the four set) / (number of repetitions in the first set)]* 100) was found in muscular endurance during all moments and in all exercises in either group. Training volume (load lifted multiplied by the sum of the number of repetitions performed in the four series at every exercise) increased in all exercises in both groups, when the results obtained before and after supplementation were compared.
Implication. Creatine supplementation did not produce different muscular fatigue and training volume responses in women trained with resistance training.
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