Colakoglu, F. F., Atalay Guzel, N., Karacan, S., & Baltaci, G. (2009). Effects of weighted rope jump training on anaerobic power, speed, flexibility, and agility in adolescent volleyball players. A paper presented at the 14th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Oslo, Norway, June 24-27.
This study investigated the effect of a 12-week rope-jumping and weighted rope-jumping exercise program on anaerobic power, speed, flexibility, and agility performance of female adolescent volleyball players (N = 25). Ss were divided into three groups: Group 1 undertook a weighted rope-jumping (N = 8) program as well as volleyball training, Group 2 undertook a rope-jumping (N = 9) program as well as volleyball training, and Group 3 was the control (N = 8) and only participated in volleyball training. The exercise sessions were carried out three times per week for 12 weeks. Anaerobic power was measured by a vertical jump test, 30-m. sprint test, sit-and-reach test, and hexagonal obstacle and zigzag tests.
There was a significant difference and considerable increase in flexibility and anaerobic power at the end of training in the two rope-jumping groups. Speed and agility performance of the two groups were significantly different at the end of training. Compared to the control and rope-training groups, the values of weighted rope-jumping group were highly increased in the anaerobic power and zig-zag test.
Implication. The performance parameters of this study were improved by a 12-week weighted rope-jump exercise program. However, there were no measures of volleyball performance. Ss only improved in measures remotely associated, if at all, with volleyball. Because the Ss were volleyball players, does not mean their game performance will change.
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