Berning, J. M., Deneke, N., Lawrence, M., Winchell, K., Sevene-Adams, P. G., & Adams K. J. (June 02, 2010). Effect of weighted jump warm-up on vertical jump in Division II Male basketball players. Presentation 1702 at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; June 2-5.
"Research suggests that warm-ups which elicit a post-activation potentiation (PAP) effect via high intensity muscular contractions may increase performance in subsequent activities requiring strength and power." This study assessed if a basketball specific, dynamic warm-up that included weighted jumps would elicit a post-activation potentiation effect and increase subsequent vertical jump height in male college basketball players (N = 14). Ss were at week 3 of their comprehensive pre-season conditioning program. Two different warm-ups were employed at two practices: 1) a functional warm-up of jogging and basketball specific drills, and 2) an identical warm-up plus 10 maximum vertical jumps while wearing a vest loaded with 20% of bodyweight. At four minutes post-warm-up, maximum vertical jump was assessed in three trials each of two conditions: 1) counter-movement vertical jump, and 2) 2-step approach vertical jump.
A significant 3.3% decrease occurred in vertical jump height in the counter-movement vertical jump with the weighted vest condition producing the negative effect. No significant difference in the 2-step approach vertical jump occurred.
Implication. Negative effects on explosive jump movements are produced by the addition of weighted-vest jumps to a dynamic warm-up aimed at increasing vertical jumping in male collegiate basketball players. [One has to question the use of added-weights to warm-up activities in sports (e.g., weighted bats in baseball).]
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