Ingham, S. A., Fudge, B. W., Pringle, J. S., & Jones, A. M. (2009). Effect of prior warm-up on oxygen uptake kinetics during an 800-m performance trial. ACSM 56th Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington. Presentation number 2803.
This study investigated the effect of two different warm-up regimes on pulmonary VO2 kinetics during an 800-m running time trial. Well-trained middle distance runners (N = 11) undertook a laboratory-based progressive exercise test to determine VO2max, and on two further occasions, an indoor 800-m performance trial. Performance trials were preceded by a 10-minute self-paced jog and standardized mobility drills followed by either 6 x 50m "strides" (control – easier warm-up) or 2 x 50m strides and a continuous high-intensity 200 m run (intense warm-up). All warm-up runs were performed at race-pace. Blood lactate was measured before and after the warm-up and the performance trial. Oxygen uptake was measured breath-by-breath during all performance trials and subsequently modeled using non-linear regression techniques. Perceived race "readiness" was assessed by questionnaire.
Before the performance trial, baseline blood lactate was greater after the intense warm-up compared to the easier warm-up. Ss reported significantly greater readiness after the intense warm-up than with the control. The mean response time for the VO2 response was no different between the groups but VO2 kinetics were better (although not significant) after the intense warm-up.
Implication. A longer duration warm-up with trial-specific activities promotes readiness for time trial performance better than a less demanding and less specific set of activities.
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