Coutts, R. A., Rogerson, S., Deakin, G., Marshall-Gradisnik, S., Meier, R., Zhou, S., & Weatherby, R. (2007). Effect of short-term use of testosterone enanthate on personality and mood in healthy young males. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(5), Supplement abstract 2264.
This study attempted to quantify the existence of either personality or mood effects that may be observed during and following six weeks of the administration of controlled doses of testosterone enanthate. Ss (N = 18) were assigned to either a testosterone enanthate or placebo group. During a monitored training program Ss were injected once weekly for six weeks: the testosterone enanthate group with 3.5 mg/kgBW (a therapeutic dosage) and the placebo group with saline. Mood was measured daily using the Brunel Mood Scale. Personality testing was conducted pre and post using the 16PF, with data being combined into primary and global factors.
An initial investigation of mood plots showed no differences between the groups for anger, depression, tension or confusion. For the testosterone group there were slight increases in Vigor from week 2 and slight reductions in Fatigue immediately. A significant decrease over time for the testosterone group for the personality factor of Sensitivity, but not for the placebo group, was observed. There was a significant increase in Vigilance over time in the placebo group but not in the testosterone group.
Implication. The authors claimed "Significant changes in Sensitivity suggest that this dosage of testosterone enanthate may influence the ability to be empathetic thus reducing sensitivity to other people’s considerations which may be an explanation for apparent aggressive behaviour observed in anabolic steroid users." However, such a claim is unbalanced because factors other than sensitivity are involved with behavioral disturbances often attributed to steroid use.
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