Rutherford, J., Stellingwerff, T., & Spriet, L. L. (2006). The effect of acute Taurine ingestion on endurance performance in well-trained cyclists. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(5), Supplement abstract 1124.
This study examined whether taurine ingestion just before exercise would improve endurance performance during prolonged cycling. It was compared to placebo ingestion and a second placebo ingestion, where Ss were told they were receiving taurine, but were not. Endurance trained male cyclists and triathletes (N = 11) performed two practice trials, where they cycled at ~65% of their VO2max for 90 minutes followed immediately by a time trial where they completed 5 kJ of work/kg body mass as fast as possible. Ss then completed three experimental trials where they consumed 500 ml of Crystal Light™ with either 2000 mg of taurine or nothing added one hour before the 90-minute sub-maximal cycle and time-trial. All meals and snacks 24 hours prior to each trial were provided to Ss to ensure identical diets and macronutrient composition (62% carbohydrate; 24% fat; 14% protein) for each trial. Ss consumed a sports drink at regular intervals during the cycling trials and ingested the same amount of fluid and carbohydrate in all trials.
There was no difference between conditions for time-trial performance, O2 consumption, CO2 production, or calculated respiratory exchange ratios. Also, there were no differences between conditions for heart rate and RPE responses during the 90 minutes of sub-maximal cycling and the time-trial.
Implication. The acute ingestion of 2000 mg of taurine one hour before exercise does not enhance time-trial performance following prolonged sub-maximal cycling in endurance-trained cyclists and triathletes.
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