Currel, K., Urch, J., Cerri, E., Jentjens, R. L., Blannin, A. K., Jeukendrup, A. E. (2006). Increased fluid delivery from drinks with multiple transportable carbohydrates. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(5), Supplement abstract 730.
This study investigated whether a beverage containing glucose and fructose would result in greater deuterium accumulation in plasma and saliva than glucose. Males (N = 6) entered the laboratory between 7 and 9 am after an overnight fast, rested for 20 minutes after which resting blood and saliva samples were collected. A 600 ml bolus of one of the three experimental beverages was given. The experimental beverages were; water, water with 75g glucose, or water with 50g glucose and 25g fructose. Each beverage also contained 3.00 g of 2H2O.
There was a significant interaction between the three trials for plasma enrichment. The water trial was significantly greater than glucose at all time points between 5 and 105 minutes, but only greater than glucose-fructose between 20 and 35 minutes. Glucose-fructose was significantly greater than glucose between 55 and 75 minutes. There was no difference between any trials after 120 minutes. There was no difference between plasma and saliva enrichment in the final hour. There was no significant effect of the three trials for saliva enrichment. The water trial showed a significantly quicker time to peak than either glucose or glucose-fructose but there was no difference between glucose and glucose-fructose. The data suggested greater fluid delivery for glucose-fructose and water compared to glucose. However, water and glucose-fructose were not significantly different from each other.
Implication. An 11% carbohydrate beverage containing glucose and fructose results in more rapid fluid delivery in the first 75min than a beverage containing glucose alone.
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