Al Nawaiseh, A. M., Bishop, P., Pritchett, R. C., Porter, S., & McIlquham. (2005). Short-term recovery – Impact of antioxidant vitamins, protein supplement, Ibuprofen, and ice. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 37(5), Supplement abstract 239.
This study investigated the effect of four commonly used recovery techniques and treatments on 2-minute upper-body power performance and muscle damage in swimmers. The conditions were to mimic between race recoveries. College swimmers (M = 7; F = 5) performed two sessions of modified upper-body Wingate tests with six hours rest between sessions. Each session consisted of two upper-body Wingate tests with 40 min rest between trials. A combination of Vitamin C, Vitamin E., ibuprofen 23 gm of protein drink, and ice packs was the treatment, the other being a control. The protocol was repeated one week later in seven of the Ss.
There were no differences between the conditions in most indexes. However, the treatment condition's fatigue index was significantly lower than that of the control. Peak power was significantly higher in the control condition. On the second occasion, the fatigue index improvement was not evident.
Implication. Common recovery approaches used by swimmers were ineffective for protecting against performance reduction. Assumed protective effects of antioxidant vitamins and ibuprofen were not exhibited.
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